Vulnerability analysis

For every type of disaster, such as floods, droughts and earthquakes, we offer the following services:

Vulnerability analysis is a key part of risk assessment. Vulnerability functions, or damage functions, measure the degree at which a system counteracts the consequences of a hazardous event. They are useful tools for damage quantification depending on the magnitude of the hazard, and allow translating hazard into risk.

At RED we offer services of vulnerability analysis for various type of systems and facing diverse risks. We produce vulnerability curves for different building types, assets, crops and businesses. We hold valuable expertise in cataloguing and classifying resources based on their vulnerability to natural risks. We are able to identify the main vulnerabilities of a system and propose mitigation strategies.

Natural disasters cause alterations to the normal activity of businesses, which can last a long time if reconstruction is needed after the occurrence of an event. This causes losses related to the lack of profits during the interruption and reconstruction costs during the following time period, as well as extra expenses for moving to, and operating from, a temporary location.

RED offers detailed analyses of the losses caused by natural disasters, such as excess rain, flood, drought, tropical cyclones or earthquakes, to business activities. At RED we use novel but simple and reproducible methodologies to estimate the amount a company would have earned had the loss not occurred, employing the most reliable information. We also assist insurance companies in designing insurance products to compensate businesses and governments against business interruptions.