Company Profile
Who We Are
Natural disasters, such as floods, are likely to cause catastrophic consequences in susceptible areas. The accurate analysis of the levels of risk associated to such perils is therefore an activity of utmost pertinence. Our highly competent staff offers internationally-recognized experience in this field, with past risk consultancies at urban, regional and national scales, and for all sort of applications.
Employing the latest science and technology, RED’s staff manages catastrophe loss estimation models that cover all major natural hazards, including drought, floods, excess rain, volcano, earthquakes, hurricanes, winter storms, tornadoes, and hailstorms. RED’s hydrologists, engineers and meteorologists have specific expertise in risk evaluation and disaster risk management for floods.
RED Srl began its activity in 2008, with the registered name of EQCO Srl. ECQO’s activities mainly involved analysis and modeling of structures to be designed to achieve an optimal seismic performance and advanced seismic risk analysis and assessment. Within this collaboration EQCO delivered international technical consultancy, as well as research and feasibility studies, in the fields of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology. Due to a constantly growing commitment in the field of risk assessment and following the addition of key personnel with long lasting experience in multi-peril catastrophe risk assessment, in September 2012 EQCO was reincorporated into RED (Risk Engineering & Design), increasing its range of services provided to include natural and man-made hazard and risk assessment, with focus on Earthquake and Flood perils.
RED’s permanent collaborators have developed their academic career to the Master and Doctorate degree levels. Part of the staff is also involved in academic activities and scientific research in collaboration with the University of Pavia, the University of Bologna, the School of Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS) and the European Center for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering Foundation (EUCENTRE).
Within such collaboration framework, one should also outline the involvement of RED staff in teaching and training activities for postgraduate programmes in Earthquake Engineering, Flood Risk as well as in Risk & Emergency Management. These activities cater for continuous technical updating, while allowing also the achievement of advanced solutions from a scientific and technical point of view. Moreover, such intense academic activity carried out by some of RED’s staff lead also to the creation of a worldwide network of experts in the field of both Earthquake Engineering and Risk Assessment of natural and man-made threats.
RED is teaming up with ERN - Evaluación de Riesgos Naturales y Antropogénicos for common risk analysis projects and for the development of the Pan European Seismic Risk Model

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Our History
Due to a constantly growing commitment in the field of risk assessment and following the addition of key personnel with long lasting experience in multi-peril catastrophe risk assessment, in September 2012 EQCO was reincorporated into RED (Risk Engineering & Design), increasing its range of services provided to include natural and man-made hazard and risk assessment.
RED Srl began its activity in 2008, with the registered name of EQCO Srl. ECQO’s activities involved mainly analysis and modeling of structures to be designed to achieve an optimal seismic performance and advanced seismic risk analysis and assessment. Within this collaboration EQCO delivered international technical consultancy, as well as research and feasibility studies, in the fields of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology.