Ines Cerenzia, PhD

Meteorologist - Catastrophe Risk Modeling
Flood Hazard and Risk Analysis
Ines Cerenzia is a meteorological modeller at RED. She holds a PhD from the University of Bologna (Italy), in collaboration with ARPA - Emilia Romagna (the local environment agency, Bologna, Italy), whose dissertation was dealing with atmospheric boundary layer modelling in condition of stable stratification in a operational weather prediction model. She spent six months of her PhD at the research and development department of the German Weather Service (DWD, Germany). In 2013 she was a temporary research assistant at the Institute of Science for Atmosphere and Climate of the Italian National Research Council (ISAC-CNR, Bologna, Italy) in collaboration with ARPA - Emilia Romagna, while in 2012 she obtained a three-month postgraduate research scholarship at the University of Torino (Italy) in collaboration with the mine-water research department at the North-West University (South-Africa). She obtained her BSc (2009) in Physics and an MSc degrees (2012) in Physics (Environmental specialisation) from the University of Torino (Italy).
Ines is interested in numerical weather prediction modelling, simulation and analysis of atmospheric boundary layer, land surface and soil processes related to weather and climate. In her activity, she worked with operational weather prediction models and products, research weather prediction models and climatic products (e.g. reanalysis). Moreover, she is expert in weather data manipulation, analysis and visualization, and programming in Bash, Fortran90 and C++.