On-line Seismic Risk Assessment (Italy)


GEODECO applies advanced rock/soil mechanics principles and a thorough understanding of excavation and support technologies to shafts, open-pit excavations and buried structures. State-of-the-art computer codes, which account for soil non-linearity, seepage forces, and consolidation effects, are used to model support-ground interaction. We carried out a number of projects involving excavations in urban areas, where any damage to the adjacent buildings must be prevented.

For more information on Geodeco's geotechnical engineering services please contact Fabrizio Pelli, Ph.D.

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Geodeco S.r.l.(sole quotaholder company)   -   Via Pontiroli 45/4, 16031 Bogliasco (GE), ITALY    -   Tel: +39 010 3751473   -   Fax:  +39 010 3470208   -   e-mail:
Share Capital: EUR 60.000,00 (wholly paid up) - R.I. Genova: n. 43323/1229 - R.E.A. Genova: n. 375344 VAT  03736020102